Leading providers of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Digital and Same Day Dentistry serving as local and national experts for diagnosis and management of complex and routine conditions including facial cosmetics, oral surgery, orthognathic surgery and dental implants surgery. Our doctors are dual trained in 4-year residency postgraduate program as Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dentistry and are educators and clinicians with over 100 combined peer reviewed publications, national and international lectureships/courses.
Our practice philosophy. Treat all patients like our own family. Patient care should emphasize easy access to doctors in a friendly and trusting environment. It is an gift to treat patients and make every attempt to listen, diagnose and when appropriate treat conditions to improve upon peoples lives. To this end our doctors strive to maintain current and cutting edge technological advancements in our field as its evidenced by our multiple educational, academic and clinical involvements.
Emily Romero Sanchez Periodontist Licence Number LUZ 122672